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TSF Scholarship Winners Announced
The Schenectady Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2015 college scholarships: Lillian Herrmann (Schenectady High School), Jena Sagendorf (Mohonasen High School), Emily Casey-Wagemaker (Niskayuna High School), and Megan Hillis (Scotia-Glenville).
Lillian Herrmann, who will be attending Colby College, was named the 2015 recipient of the Schenectady STEM Scholarship (the Clarence E. Crowfoot and Mary Clarke Fund). The $4,000 STEM Scholarship, paid over four years of college, is awarded to a graduating student from Schenectady High School who plans to pursue an education and career in science, technology, engineering, or math. Criteria for the scholarship include academic performance and financial need.
“The STEM Scholarship was established by a gift from the estate of Sanford A. and Marilyn Shuler,” said TSF Executive Director Robert Carreau. “Sanford Shuler was a brilliant GE engineer and innovator. Because of his generosity and forward-thinking, his legacy will help the next generation of scientists make their own exciting discoveries.”
Jena Sagendorf and Emily Casey-Wagemaker are the recipients of the 2015 Erbacher Scholarships. Anna Hudson Erbacher Scholarships are awarded by the Foundation each year to one or two qualified graduates of Schenectady County high schools who intend to pursue careers in teaching. Jena will attend Marian University in Indianapolis and Emily will matriculate at St. Lawrence University.
“Anna Hudson Erbacher was a devoted Schenectady educator who made a difference in the lives of all the children who shared her classroom,” said Carreau. “This scholarship was established by Anna’s husband, John, in 1973 to honor her passion and commitment as a life-long educator.”
The $10,000 Erbacher Scholarships provide $2,500 a year over four years of continuing education. An additional one-time Erbacher Scholarship of $1,500 was awarded this year to Megan Hillis who the Scholarship Committee felt merited special recognition. Megan will pursue her degree at SUNY Geneseo. Erbacher awardees demonstrate excellence in scholarship, character, financial need, and extracurricular, and community activities.
“Congratulations to Lillian, Emily, Jena, and Megan. The Foundation is extremely pleased to recognize these talented young recipients, and to assist them in reaching their goals,” said Carreau.