A Celebration!
Come Together: A Celebration of Community
The Schenectady Foundation's Celebration of Community is a coming together of people and organizations to acknowledge the achievements of Schenectady’s outstanding social sector, and the people who are working to make their community a better place to live and work.
Join us as we close our Diamond Anniversary to Honor our past, Deepen our roots, Engage our community. We’ll recognize people and organizations that are agents of change, redefining how we build a thriving community.
When: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024
Where: Glen Sanders Mansion, Scotia NY
What: 5:30 pm Reception with Hearty Hors D’oeuvres & Refreshments
6:30 pm Program – Presentations and Awards
- Good Neighbor Scholarships
- Community Hero Awards
- Building a shared sense of community
7:45 pm Reception Resumes with Dessert & Coffee
RSVP: Tuesday, May 28th
Tickets: $30 per person*